User Guide

1. Introduction

Duke is a simple desktop app designed for those who wish to be able to keep track of and manage their tasks. These tasks could entail deadlines, events, or just todos. It is mostly suited for those who prefer to work with a command-line interface while still having a user-friendly GUI for a chat-like simulation with the Duke chatbot. Sounds interesting? Get started now!

2. Quick Start

Duke: One app to manage all your tasks

3. Features

Command Format
Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. Ex: In deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE_AND_TIME, DESCRIPTION and DATE_AND_TIME are parameters which can be used as deadline ma2202 hw /by 19/09/2019 1800.
Items in square brackets are optional. Ex: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE_AND_TIME [/every FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS] can be used as deadline ma2202 hw /by 19/09/2019 1800 /every 7 or as deadline ma2202 hw /by 19/09/2019 1800.
Parameters need to be in the order given. Ex: If the command specifies DESCRIPTION /by DATE_AND_TIME, something like /by DATE_AND_TIME DESCRIPTION would be invalid input.

3.1. Adding a todo: todo

Adds a todo to the list of tasks Format: todo DESCRIPTION [/every FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS]


3.2. Adding a deadline: deadline

Adds a deadline to the list of tasks Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE_AND_TIME [/every FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS]


3.3. Adding an event: event

Adds an event to the list of tasks Format: event DESCRIPTION /at DATE_AND_TIME [/every FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS]


3.4. Listing all tasks: list

Shows list of all tasks in the task list Format: list

3.5. Marking a task as done: done

Marks a task as done in the list of tasks Format: done INDEX


3.5. Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a task from the list of tasks Format: delete INDEX


3.6. Locating tasks by keywords: find

Displays the list of tasks that contain the keyword Format: find KEYWORD


3.7. Exiting the bot: bye

Exits the Duke application Format: bye

4. FAQ

Q: Does the application have support for recurring tasks?
A: Yes it does for all types of tasks (todos, deadlines, and events). You can add these kind of tasks by adding /every FREQUENCY_BY_DAY after writing the task details. More information in the features list above.

Q: Will the tasks I add to the list be saved by the bot so that I can view it the next time I open the application?
A: Yes! Tasks are stored to the memory so the next time you open your application, these tasks are loaded back to continue from!

5. Command Summary